About PX PXT Shoppingx7
How do I cancel my subscription PX PXT Shoppingx7?
It's very simple. Go to the home page of our site and click on "unsubscribe". You will just have to indicate the email address you used when you subscribed. That's all there is to it!
I have a question about my subscription. Who do I contact?
For any type of question, contact our teams by phone, email or form. You will find our contact information at the bottom of this page.
I lost the email address I used to subscribe. How can I find it again?
Our consultants have quick ways to get this address. Just contact us!
Why does a "PX PXT Shoppingx7" charge appear on my bank statement?
This charge is most likely a PX PXT Shoppingx7 subscription you have taken out.
How long will it take for my termination to be effective?
Thanks to our system created to allow you to cancel your subscription yourself, unsubscribing is immediate!
Do I have to stop my bank card to stop the debits?
There's no need to go through complicated procedures. To stop the debits linked to your subscription, cancel it via the home page of our site.
How much does it cost to cancel?
It is totally free!
Our values
We know that contacting customer service can seem daunting. That's why we want your customer experience to be a pleasant one. That's why we put people at the heart of our interactions.
Our consultants are not content to simply give you a pre-written text, but take your requests into consideration in order to provide you with an adapted and personalized solution.
And to make sure that all our customers have equal access to our services, we provide you with different ways to contact us. Phone, email or form, the choice is yours!
As soon as you feel the need, contact our customer consultants. We are here for you!
Mailing address:
124 City Road London EC1V 2NX
E-mail address:
Phone number:
+33 9 72 76 02 24